Go Back to Lot List 3-Joe DiMaggio hand signed Yankee Stadium blueprints.
Lot Number : 7
Current Bid : $0
History : 0 bids
These amazing copies are a full 2x3 FEET in size, show the original 1929 construction of the beloved Bronx Stadium from all angles, and come hand signed by THE Joe DiMaggio in clean bold blue sharpie. They grade a 15 on a 1-10 scale, show off easily from a football field away, and value at sell out was $399.00 EACH in 1996. What are they worth now?
These amazing copies are a  full 2x3 FEET in size, show the original 1929 construction of the beloved Bronx Stadium from all angles, and come hand signed by THE Joe DiMaggio in clean bold blue sharpie. They grade a 15 on a 1-10 scale, show off easily from a football field away, and value at sell out was $399.00 EACH in 1996. What are they worth now?
Coach's Corner Sports Auctions LLC - 47 N. Front Street, Souderton, PA 18964 (215) 721-9162 - E-mail: contact@myccsa.com